Tips for Reducing Energy Consumption When Doing Laundry

Tips for Reducing Energy Consumption When Doing Laundry

Laundry can be an energy-sucking chore that no one wants to do. Your clothes washer and dryer are typically the largest energy-draining appliances in the house, and they can cost you a lot of money on your monthly utility bills.

However, making a few changes to your laundry routine can help you save on energy costs while still getting clean laundry.

With the right knowledge and a few tweaks here and there, you can reduce the amount of energy used for each load of laundry and save money for more important things. Here are some practical ways you can use to make the most out of your laundry energy use.

Wash Your Clothes With Cold Water

Investing in a washing machine with a cold-water setting can be beneficial for the environment and your wallet. Switching from warm water to cold water can drastically reduce energy usage, cutting it by more than half.

Washing clothes with cold water may surprise you because you’ll still get that same brilliant clean that you’d expect from washing in warm water. This is possible thanks to modern detergents that are specially designed to work well in cold-water temperatures.

Using these detergents also prevents colors from fading, reducing the need for frequent replacements and saving money over time. Additionally, using cold-water detergents can help protect fabrics and extend their life, making them last longer.

All around, switching to a cold-water cycle, or looking into the various wash cycles when doing laundry is an easy way to save energy and money while still achieving the same great results!

Wash Full Loads When Possible Without Overloading Your Machine

Filling your washing machine with a full load of laundry is an easy way to reduce energy consumption and save money. This is because the amount of energy used by the machine does not change, regardless of how much clothing or other fabrics are inside.

In fact, depending on the size and type of washing machine, running it at capacity can reduce the total number of loads washed in a given period. Additionally, when the washer is full it operates more efficiently, meaning less wear and tear on both the motor and water pump over time.

By filling up your washing machine for each load, you can make sure that as little energy as possible is being used while still ensuring that every item of clothing comes out clean and fresh.

Dry Heavier Cotton Separately

When it comes to drying clothes, separating heavier cotton (such as linens and towels) from lightweight fabrics is key to efficient and even drying. Heavier cotton requires a longer time to dry since they absorb more moisture than lighter items.

Therefore, if these heavier items are placed into the dryer with lighter clothing, the heavier items will take longer to dry and can cause uneven results for both types of fabric.

Additionally, if the heavier items remain damp for an extended period of time in the machine, it can lead to mildew buildup that can permanently damage not only the fabrics but also the appliance itself.

To prevent this issue, it’s best practice to separate out heavier kinds of cotton before placing them into the washing machine or dryer – this will ensure quicker, more evenly-dried clothes with no potential risk of permanent damage.

Use Dryer Balls

Dryer balls are becoming an increasingly popular way to keep laundry looking and feeling its best. These small, round balls are typically made of either wool or rubber and serve multiple purposes when used in the dryer.

By keeping clothes separated and allowing hot air to pass between them, they help to dry clothes faster than if they were all clumped together. Not only does this save time and energy, but it can also help reduce static in fabrics for a softer feel when you take them out of the dryer.

Additionally, many people choose to use Tru Earths wool dryer balls instead of traditional dryer sheets; this not only helps to eliminate chemicals that may be found in the sheets, but it can also be a more cost-effective option as the balls can be reused many times over.

Clean the Lint Filter After Each Drying Cycle

Regularly using dryer sheets is a great way to keep your clothes smelling fresh and looking their best. However, it's important to keep in mind that dryer sheets can leave a residue on the filter of your dryer over time.

To prevent an accumulation of this buildup and ensure that your dryer continues to operate efficiently, it's important to scrub the filter with a toothbrush every month. By doing so, you will remove any excess soap or fabric softener residue that may have accumulated on the filter from the use of dryer sheets.

This simple routine maintenance will help maintain the quality of your clothes and increase the lifespan of your dryer.

Do Better With Your Laundry Routine!

While there are a variety of laundry-related activities that can impact energy consumption, such as washing with cold water rather than hot water and using energy-efficient machines, there are also many other simple steps you can take to reduce your energy footprint.

By following these tips, you can easily conserve energy and help protect our environment.

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